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Human Studies


Three older adult subjects (2 women and 1 man) were tested for EPI/GDV (Photoelectric Imaging/Gas Discharge Visualization) before and after wearing the Bio Antenna Chip bracelet for at least 30 minutes. The parameters of interest are: area, symmetry, activation coefficient, radial chart, and virtual chakra.
The test was conducted by Dr. Gaetan Chevalier at the Psychological Technology Laboratory in Encinitas, California, and used photoelectric imaging/gas discharge (EPI/GDV material testing equipment).


3 older participants, 2 women (participants 1 and 2), and 1 male (participants 3). They are in very good physical conditions—no known medication or psychological consultations; participants in this study (participants 1) are 69 years old, (participants 2) are 57 years old, and (participants 3) are 70 years old. . The test uses a two-test procedure, and each participant participates in the test at his own frequency.
EPI/GDV technology generates electrical pulses, and the target responds in the form of electrons or photons. Because of the gas discharge in the electromagnetic field, the digital camera will capture the light radiated by this photon, and then process it through cutting-edge software to form a report.
All participants need to put each fingertip on a crystal sheet, which will form a picture of photon emission, and then analyze the picture according to the Korean Hand and Foot Acupuncture Meridian System.
Perform measurements in this order: (1) Baseline (without wearing a bracelet); (2) Wearing a bracelet. Before the start of the experiment, the participants were not explained to the participants about the usefulness of the bracelet.

For the photon emission generated near the finger, three parameters are measured:

1. Area: Definition of area: Area refers to the corona discharge near the fingertips, the overall strength and continuity of the energy released by this biological field. The standard range for indicating health is more than 14,000; a change of more than 10% is a significant change.
2. Symmetry: The definition of symmetry: the symmetry of the release area measures the uniformity of the release on the left and right sides of the biological field. The standard range for symmetry is:> 80%; and the difference between the left and right sides is less than 10%.
3. Activation coefficient: Definition of activation coefficient (AC): AC is a measure of physical stress. The larger the value, the stronger the body pressure. The standard ranges that indicate weak, medium, and strong activation coefficients are as follows:
+ Pink = 0 – 2.0
+ Green => 2.0 – 4.0
+ Yellow => 4.0

The frame description of the next few slides:

The significant increase in the area indicates a significant increase in the strength and continuity of the biological field.
The significant increase in symmetry indicates better communication between the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
A decrease in the activation factor usually means more relaxation.
In the virtual chakra chart, the larger the size of the ball, the stronger the energy provided by the chakra. It is best if all the chakras are very similar in size. This shows that the chakras are more balanced.
In the virtual chakra chart, the more the ball is in the center, the more and more balanced it is, which means that the energy conveyed by the chakras is more balanced and the functional continuity between the chakras is stronger.

GDV energy field

Participant 1 improved significantly (greater than 10%) on the left side (12.8%) and front side (10.3%). This participant’s activation coefficient was reduced by 34%, showing a more relaxed state.
19,736 pixels (left), 19,971 (middle), 2,768 (right)
After using cprime chip technology:
22,256 (left), 22,025 (middle), 23,748 (right)
Three data:
+13% left, +10% middle, +4% right
Activation coefficient:
Before use 3.47
After use 2.29
Percentage change -34.0%

The key discovery, the GDV virtual chakra

Baseline for participant 1:
The position of the ball in the picture on the left indicates the degree of balance. The value that determines the position of the chakra in the picture on the left is located in the icon at the bottom right, and is named “Emotional-physical disbalance”.
In the case of Participant 1, before wearing the bracelet (baseline measurement), all chakras are very balanced. Sahasrara, Ajna, Anahata, Muladara ) Is almost completely balanced.

Participant 1 after using cprime bracelet:
After wearing the cprime bracelet for 30 minutes, the balance and energy of most chakras have slightly improved, and this improvement can be seen. Among them, the improvement can be clearly seen in the balance of Svadhistana, Manipura, Anahata and Vishuddha, as well as the balance of Ajna and Sahasrara. It’s a little bit worse. Because participant 1 already has a strong energy and a very good balance, these improvements are already something we can expect.

Baseline for participant 2:
The position of the ball in the picture on the left indicates the degree of balance. The value that determines the position of the chakra in the picture on the left is located in the icon at the bottom right, and is named “Emotional-physical disbalance”.
In the case of Participant 2, before wearing the cprime bracelet (baseline measurement), except for the two chakras, all other chakras were in an unbalanced state, and multiple chakras were almost completely unbalanced.
From the chart titled “Normalized energetic value of chakras” at the top right, it can be seen that the energy released by the chakras is within the normal range.

Participant 2 after using cprime bracelet:
After wearing the charged bracelet for 30 minutes, the balance has been greatly improved. The energy released by the chakras has also increased. These improvements have been greatly improved.
Participant 1 and Participant 3 showed little improvement, but their baselines were more balanced at the beginning. This balance naturally limits the increase in potential.

Baseline for participant 3:
In the case of Participant 3, before wearing the bracelet (baseline measurement), all the chakras are very balanced, only the Vishuddha and Anahata are slightly unbalanced

Participant 3 after using cprime bracelet:
After wearing the charged bracelet for 30 minutes, there is a slight improvement in balance. This improvement is visible. The clearest improvement is the Vishuddha and the Heart Chakra (Anahata). Because Participant 3 already has a strong energy and a very good balance, these improvements are what we can look forward to.

Sahasrara, Ajna, Anahata, Muladara, Svadhistana, Manipura, Anahata, and Vishuddha

Key finding, GDV chart

The concentric circles in the figure below represent the following energy levels:
Pink = insufficient energy, green = normal energy, yellow = excessive energy
The red circle combination (or red line) mainly indicates the mental state (no filter used).
The blue circle combination represents the physical state (a special plastic filter is used to filter emotional factors).
Activation Coefficient is a measure of pressure.

Baseline for participant 1 (cprime bracelet not used):

In these baseline radiographs, only a small number of red circle combinations exist in the pink area, and no blue graphics exist in this area. This can be summarized as: these defective organs or body parts are emotionally or psychologically imbalanced.

Participant 1 using cprime bracelet:

After wearing the cprime bracelet, the red circle combination shows a great improvement, and there is almost no red circle in the pink area. In the radiation graphs on the left and right, the improvement is 9%, which is not significant enough. The activation coefficient was reduced to 2.29, a very significant improvement of 34%, showing a more relaxed state.

Baseline for participant 1 (cprime bracelet not used):

In these baseline radiographs, a large number of red circle combinations exist in the pink area, and no blue graphics exist in this area. This can be summarized as: The participant’s emotional or psychological imbalance is very serious. The blue circle indicates that the overall body energy is in a normal state.

Participant 1 using cprime bracelet:

After wearing the cprime bracelet, the red circle combination shows a great improvement, and there is almost no red circle in the pink area. The radiation chart on the left shows an increase of 7%, and the right is an increase of 19%. The improvement in the radiograph on the right is very significant. The activation coefficient was reduced to 3.25, a very significant improvement of 33%, showing a more relaxed state.

Baseline for participant 1 (cprime bracelet not used):

In these baseline radiographs, no red circle combination or blue figure exists in the pink area. This can be summarized as: There is basically no imbalance in the participant’s emotions or psychology. This is consistent with his activation coefficient, which shows that he is in a relaxed state.

Participant 1 using cprime bracelet:

After wearing the cprime bracelet, the red circle combination showed some improvement. Because this participant was in a relaxed state from the beginning, his activation coefficient did not show a significant change (3%). A very significant improvement of 33%, showing a more relaxed state.

The key finding, participants

For participant 1, significant results (>10%) can be seen in the energy field picture and activation coefficient. Despite the lack of significant results (9% on the left and right ray maps), these ray maps show an increase. After wearing the cprime bracelet for 30 minutes, the activation coefficient or pressure has been significantly reduced (34%). The chakras also look more consistent. These results indicate that the subject has more energy, and this energy is more consistent and more balanced. The participant also confirmed that he felt more energetic after wearing the bracelet

For Participant 2, only the right radiograph has a very significant improvement, effectively aligning it with the left radiograph to the same level. By looking at the ray diagram and the chakras, it can be clearly discovered that the object has injected a lot of emotional supplements. This was confirmed by the participant. After wearing the cprime bracelet, no matter from the visual effect, the ray chart or the balance of the chakras, you can see a significant improvement in balance. In addition, the activation coefficient has also been greatly reduced (33%). The participant had a tingling sensation when wearing the bracelet. This tingling sensation is particularly obvious in her right wrist. Her right wrist was broken several years ago, and it still causes inconvenience to her from time to time. She said she likes to wear this bracelet. She will feel emotionally calmer and calmer. After I finished the evaluation, she made the above comment (5/22/2012), which was much earlier than I started to analyze her results.

For participant 3, although he was the oldest person in this study, he was relaxed when he came in, felt very good, and showed very little change.


According to the information of the EPI/GDV test conducted by a limited number of subjects, the following conclusions can be obtained: cprime bracelet can improve the strength and consistency of the biological field, (through the ray chart), improve the communication between the left and right hemispheres of the brain and the overall state of the body (From the energy field to the picture of the chakras) and produce a relaxing effect.

It works better for people who are stressed or have poor physical fitness and emotional problems than healthy, relaxed people.

This result will be compared with the result of the water test. In this research, it was found that the water in contact with the cprime bracelet (Bio Antenna bracelet) is more consistent, or the electrons in the test water flow more smoothly.

Humans are mainly composed of water (about 70%). The cprime bracelet acts on the liquid components in the subject, which can be used to explain why the effects of the two are similar.